Lokha Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu | May there be well-being to the world
Namaste North Yoga welcomes you to experience both the physical and the spirit of the practice. Located in downtown Anchorage, it is a place to find calm and renew your presence; away from the day-to-day stresses of life. It is an ideal place for anyone to practice yoga and just be yourself.
Yoga, an ancient practice that is more serving in today’s modern and challenging pace of life. Come join us and experience the gift of yoga.

Yoga is a great way to experience innate creativity. Join us for a workshop that combines yoga and art in a balanced experience.
This class will begin with an hour of gentle and restorative yoga, accompanied by guided meditation. This will be followed by an hour of creative activities, featuring a blend of drawing and writing. The focus of these classes will be on the creative process rather than the end result—while you may not produce a specific piece, you might discover inspiration along the way. No artistic or yoga experience is necessary!
This is not a series and you can attend one, two or all three. Each session is $60.
Pricing $60 per session and includes art supplies. Sat March 8, April 12 and May 3 from 10-12pm
UPCOMING CLASSES AND EVENTS-Visit “Upcoming” page for other events.

400 L Street, Suite 150
Anchorage, AK 99501
Next to Simon and Seaforts and Across from Snow City Cafe.
Phone: (907) 277- 2256
Email: info@namastenorthak.com
Our building is on a Diamond Parking Lot. You can pay to park there.
Municipality owned Parking operated by EZ Park which is metered street parking.
There is also a small EZ Park lot, one block North of Namaste North Yoga and off of 3rd Avenue.
Following Applies ONLY to Street Parking:
– Free only before 9 am and after 6 pm Mon – Fri.
– Free on Saturdays and Sundays, limited to 2 hours on weekends.