Heart Health through Yoga
Taking refuge in the heart. A three plus hour yoga workshop dedicated to understanding and connecting with this life giving organ.
As I write in the April issue of the Harvard Heart Letter, the studies in the review looked at different types of yoga, including both gentler and more energetic forms. The participants ranged from young, healthy individuals to older people with health conditions. Over all, people who took yoga classes saw improvements in a number of factors that affect heart disease risk. They lost an average of five pounds, shaved five points off their blood pressure, and lowered their levels of harmful LDL cholesterol by 12 points.” Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter

- Our life style impacts to our heart organ
- A simple journey into the heart organ’s anatomy and physiology
- How Yoga Tradition view the Heart Organ
- Natural medicine for the heart- yogic relaxation techniques
“Restorative Reset” there is nothing to do, nowhere to go but to relax….

Next session Saturday Nov 4.
From 3:00-4:30 pm
Cost $25
Invert ..because it’s good for you!

Inversions are not meant to prove a physical fete. Instead inversions, legs up the wall, headstands, and shoulderstands are very effective at improving our immunity, circulation and lymph drainage. This is an ideal session for someone who wants to include an inversion practice to their home practice.
Sunday Dec 3
Ashtanga Half Primary – Coming in December
Following the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method with careful emphasis on the traditional vinyasas and have fun along the journey. This is a suitable Introduction Ashtanga session for those who have been practicing the Ashtanga Primary Standing Series or for those who have been practicing Yoga for more than a year. A Two hour session cost: $30